This cranberry apple juice is not only easy to can and make shelf stable but oh so tasty! Give this recipe a try, you won’t be disappointed.
- Cranberries
- Sugar
- Apple juice (apple scrape water)

Prepare water-bath canner and jars. Heat apple juice to a boil and then turn heat down just to keep warm while filling jars. Wash cranberries under cold water removing any bad berries as you go. Add 1 ¾ cup washed cranberries and ¼ cup sugar to each hot jar. Fill jars with hot apple juice to ¼ inch headspace. Place lids and rings on clean jars and tighten to fingertip tight. Place in hot water-bath canner making sure the jars are submerged and bring to a boil. Process for 10 minutes then remove lid and let set in water an additional 5 minutes. Remove jars and place on counter. Let rest 12 hours and then remove rings, check seals, label, and store in a cool dark place for 12-18 months.
If you want step by step instruction, check out my canning cran-apple juice video. This will also show you how I make apple scrape juice for this recipe. I hope you give this juice a try so good and not hard to make. A nice addition to your pantry shelves. Happy Canning!!
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